Creative Writing #1

Elika, my government teacher, assigned me the task of choosing a picture from a collection taken by Bill Sullivan, and then write a story about the character. The following is what I came up with based on the character below.

Katherine Milligan pushes her way through the subway turnstiles, onto the busy New York street. She is rushed, trying to shove through the crowds as she is already late. Late for what, you ask? Her book club. Katherine is part of a book club filled with military wives in New York. They get together once a week and discuss a chapter of a book - currently they are reading 1984, a novel written by George Orwell. The book club was a way for the women to escape the reality that their husbands were risking their lives overseas. To escape the terror of knowing that they may never see the loves of their lives ever again. It was especially helpful for all the women to read together, because they understood what it was like. To sit up late at night crying into your husband's t-shirt. To pray to God every night that he comes home in one piece.

Katherine kept her head down and plowed through the crowds, desperately trying to make her way to the cafe a few blocks away. Rain was pouring down, beating onto the hood of her jacket. Her feet kept sloshing into puddles - she was exhausted and ready to collapse into a huge stuffed armchair. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, she found the neon sign signalling the fact that she had arrived at the cafe. Swinging open the door, she darted inside, ready for respite from the torrential rains.

The heat from the steaming coffee makers inside the cafe warmed Katherine up. She breathed a sigh of relief, ready to start discussing the book. Her eyes scanned the room until they rested on her friends, who had managed to grab the cozy corner with huge armchairs they always liked to monopolize during their book club. Heading over, she smiled at her friends, excited to delve into another time period opened up to her by George Orwell. She sank into an armchair, threw her bag onto the floor and opened up her novel. "So, where do you want to begin girls?".

Credit to: for the photo!


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