Honors Vocabulary #3

subtle - clever; faint.
He kept giving her subtle hints that he really liked her.

I feel like this image demonstrates what subtle means because of the gradual change of color. Blending is combining colors subtly so that one turns into another color gradually, and not in a very obvious way. I feel like this image demonstrates how to do so, and the slight changes that take place while you're painting.

vehement - zealous; impassioned; intense.
She vehemently opposed his addiction to cigarettes.

zealous - ardently devoted and diligent.
She was full of zeal at the idea of spending the weekend with her grandparents.

This image demonstrates the definition of zealous to me because of the emotion in the little boy's face. Someone that is full of zeal is something that is very emotional and excited about something. This boy is clearly passionate about something, as depicted by the look on his face.

adverse - opposite; unfavorable.
Her constant attention towards him had the adverse effect that she wanted - he began to avoid her.

averse - having a strong feeling of opposition.
She is averse to outwardly cussing in public and during class.

This image to me depicts what averse means because of why they are holding the signs. These people are holding these signs because they want to protest something and they oppose the war that is currently going on. This is one example of what averse means.

blatant - extremely obvious.
It was blatant to everyone in attendance that she had a huge crush on him.

alleged - suspect; doubtful.
He was the alleged murderer of the missing 16 year old.

aggravate - to make worse; to irritate.
He aggravated the teacher so much that they suspended him.

This image of a stick to me represents what the term aggravate means. It may seem a bit unlikely, but the stereotypical image of someone aggravating someone else is by poking a stick at them. That's why I chose this image - it really aggravates people when someone constantly annoys and irritates them.

discreet - unobtrusive.

factoid - an insignificant fact.
Everyone hated how the teacher always told them insignificant factoids.

flout - to show contempt.
He enjoyed getting to flout the rules in front of his teacher.

This image demonstrates contempt because these guys are looking down onto the camera. When someone shows contempt for someone else, they look down upon them - as if they are better than the other person. This image is symbolic of that.

forte - a strong point.
Her forte was speaking in front of large groups.

disinterested - not interested in something.
She was disinterested in what he had to say because it was irrelevant.


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