Honors Vocabulary Lists

Vocabulary for the week of May 10, 2010
1) Mugwump: someone who can’t decide how they feel about an issue, such as politics.

2) Muliebrity: the qualities of a woman.
3) Chevron: a badge that indicates the rank of officers and the like.

4) Eristic: someone who participates in arguments.

5) Perpend: a large stone going through a big wall.
6) Vamoose: to leave quickly.

7) Iatrogenic: a medical disorder caused by how a doctor treats you.
8) Jnana: the knowledge you gain through meditation in order to reach Brahman.

9) Fatuous: unreal, foolish, silly.
10) Doff: to take off or get rid of; to tip your hat.

Vocabulary words for the week of April 26, 2010
1) Indemnification: compensation; something that compensates for a damage done.

2) Sultry: arousing passion; hot or sweaty.
3) Raze: to shave off; destroy.

4) Quell: to suppress, subdue, or quiet
5) Mollify: to reduce or soften.

6) Licentious: immoral; lewd.
7) Rectify: to make better; to fix

8) Cognizance: awareness; the amount of knowledge someone has.
9) Pluralism: being plural; a theory that contains two or more ideals that are independent of one another.

10) Tier: a layer; a series of rows.

Vocabulary for the weeks of April 18-23
1) Disport: to amuse oneself; diversion.
2) Transmogrify: to change what something looks like.

3) Oneiric: having to do with dreams.
4) Pelf: money gained immorally.

5) Bloviate: to speak in a conceited manner.
6) Neologism: a new word or phrase.

7) Dishabille: to undress, or to appear undressed through the appearance of your clothing.
8) Ne plus ultra: the highest or tallest point.

9) Trammel: something put over the fireplace in order to hold pots over the fire.
10) Gubernatorial: having to do with the state governor.

Vocabulary for Spring Break
1) Hubris: conceited; too much pride.
2) Popinjay: a parrot; someone who speaks vain chatter.

3) Superfluous: excessive; needless.
4) Neophyte: a novice; someone who has recently converted to a religion.

5) Portentous: momentous; significant; amazing.
6) Sylvan: made of branches or trees; someone who lives in the forest.

7) Impecunious: poor; not having much money.
8) Lucre: money earned.

9) Defenestrate: to throw out of a window.
10) Exiguous: meager, small.

Week of March 15, 2010
1) Bourgeoisie: the wealthy class.
2) Proletariat: the working class.

3) Stop-loss: a plan to stop continuing to lose money.
4) Elucidate: to explain or make clear.

5) Elusive: hard to define, difficult to grasp.
6) Profligate: immoral.

7) Chasm: a gorge; a fissure in the wall.
8) Fulminate: to detonate; to make explode.

9) Ostentatious: to make a great show on something in order to impress.
10) Obfuscate: to confuse or perplex.

Vocabulary list for the week of March 8, 2010:
1) Ego: conceit; self-esteem or self-confidence.

2) Subjectivity: being subjective.
3) Metacognition: to think about thinking.

4) Epistemology: a philosophy that covers the origins of human life and how they think.
5) Mollify: to soften; to make better.

6) Abrogate: to end; repeal.
7) Bureaucracy: the body of the government.

8) Viscosity: the property of a fluid that resists the force that causes it to move.
9) Filibuster: a long speech used to force a majority in the government.

10) Reconcile: to settle; to be resigned to something.
11) Vilify: to slander or speak badly of.

12) Aggregate: combined; the added sum.


Anonymous said...

this is amazing Laura, great job!

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